08 July, 2019
Member Countries

Commemoration of the 3rd African Anti-Corruption Day, Thursday 11th July 2019.

Theme: Towards a Common African Position on Asset Recovery. ...


The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique on 11 July 2003 and came into force in 2006. To date, the Convention has been ratified by 40 member states of the African Union. Since adoption of the Convention, African states have made significant efforts in the fight against corruption including the establishment of national laws and the creation of anti-corruption agencies. In recognition of the vast progress that has been made and cognizant of the need to continually reflect on approaches to end corruption, the African Union designated 11 July as the African Anti-Corruption Day.

This year will mark the third edition of the African Anti-Corruption under the theme “Towards a Common African Position on Asset Recovery.” The day shall serve as a basis for all anticorruption stakeholders to reflect on the challenges of asset recovery in Africa and solicit contributions and support in the development of a Common African Position on Asset Recovery. This year shall also mark 10 years since the establishment of the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption.

Member States, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, the media and citizens across the continent and in the diaspora are called upon to join forces in commemorating the day. The African Union Advisory Board on Corruption shall lead the celebrations on behalf of the African Union.

You can participate in the celebration of the African Anti-Corruption Day by:-

           • Organizing creative activities in your community to mark 11 July;

            • Urging your country to ratify, implement and report on its compliance with the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption;

          • Raising awareness on the negative impact of corruption in your community;

         • Reporting cases of corruption within your respective Countries to the relevant AntCorruption Agencies;

         • Promoting anti-corruption champions and publicizing stories of success in fighting corruption;

         • Using the communication tools on publications and at events;

        • Sending a message to your networks about the campaign; 

        • Tweeting about the day using the hashtag #AfricaAgainstCorruption and tagging @AUABC_; and

       • Committing to an accountable and transparent lifestyle.

Key Messages

1. Corruption has led to the flourishment of Illicit Financial Flows from Africa Recovery of stolen and illicit assets is a developmental issue impacting the achievement of Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals;

2. Africa’s unity is critical in demanding the recovery and return of stolen assets;

3. Africa needs all her Assets back; and

4. Accountability and Transparency in the utilization of returned Assets is critical.