Annual General Meeting
Is the supreme governing body of the Association and comprises of members of Anti-Corruption Authorities of EAAACA, and honorary members.

Executive Committee
Is the managing and administrative body of the Association. It consists of; the President, the Vice President, General Secretary and not more than five (5) additional office bearers as determined by the General Meeting.
The President is the Executive head of the Association and holds office for a term of two years. She/he is assisted by the Vice President who is from a Partner State other than the one holding the presidency. The presidency is rotational. The Committee meets on a regular basis but not less than once every calendar year.

It is the technical and implementation arm of the organization. It is based in Kampala and headed by the General Secretary who is elected at the General meeting. The General Secretary holds the office for a term of four years but is eligible for re-election.
The secretariat is responsible for the day to day running of the Association and co-ordinating the affairs of the Association. The General Secretary is assisted by designated staff /personnel in accordance with the approved structure. Committees: These are composed of representatives from each of the member Authority and are set up when need arises.