The 3rd Annual General Meeting was held hand in hand with the Executive committee meeting was held in Bujumbura at Hotel source Dunil on 29th -30th October 2009 in Burundi. Hosted by Special Brigade Anti- Corruption the Theme for the meeting was; ’’TOLERANCE ZERO AGAINST CORRUPTION’’
In this meeting the heads of EAAACA Institution presented the institutional reports on their mandate, functions, structure, achievements and challenges
The meeting was attended by all the partners in conjunction with the EAAACA in the fight against corruption , heads and member states as being shown in the photos displayed .Several activities also was part of the meeting such as press interview where Dr.Edward.G.Hoseah was being interviewed by different groups of media channels. The meeting was crowned up with a group photos by the member states.
The Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network for Eastern Africa (ARINEA) conducted a work group session and training for all Focal Points at Naura Springs Hotel in Arusha, Tanzania 2nd to 6th March 2015. The training conducted with support from Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency (SIDA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative (StAR)/World Bank drew 18 participants from East African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA) member countries and other networks like Red de Recuperación de Activos de GAFILAT (RRAG) and the Global Platform on Assets Recovery of the International Police (GPFI/INTERPOL). The training was conducted under the theme “Enhancing assets Recovery within the Eastern Region and beyond”
1.1 Training objective
In order to effectively trace the proceeds of crime, the network needs to continuously build trust among the Focal Points. Being the second face to face interface amongst some of the Focal Points and the first training workshop for all of them, the main objective of training workshop was to build confidence and trust in the network members in bid to enhance Asset recovery within the Eastern African region and beyond.