20 April, 2021
Event Category


The Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) and eastern and southern Africa (ESA) region is a source, transit and
destination of existing, evolving and emerging multiple transnational criminal threats. The region is faced
with forms of serious organized crimes including trafficking of human beings (THB), smuggling of migrants
(SoM), drugs trafficking, proliferations and trading in small arms and light weapons (SALW), crime against
environment and money laundering (ML) among others. The Horn, eastern and southern Africa is also faced
with terrorism, violent extremism and financing of terrorism. The growing nexus between terrorism and
transnational organized crime (TOC) has complicated the security challenges. The different forms of TOC in
the region are generating significant amount of proceeds to be laundered and enter the legitimate economy
and/or possibly finance other crimes. Addressing criminal asset to deprive criminals from illegally enriching
themselves takes a priority in the fight against crime and criminality.

In this regard, the European Union has launched a project on “Disrupting criminal trafficking and smuggling
networks through increased Anti-Money Laundering and financial investigation capacity in the Greater
Horn of Africa” (referred hereafter as AML/THB project). This project is a follow-up to the previous
AML/CFT GHoA project, which was successfully completed in 2019. The AML/THB Project continues to
incorporate counter terrorism financing (CFT) in addition to AML and THB, because of the existing
challenge but also the interlink between organized crime, terrorism financing and terrorism. The project aims
to strengthen national anti-money laundering and counter illicit financial flow capacity, increase
understanding of the criminal networks and their flow of illicit finance; and enhance coordination of
agencies, among others.

Objective and Expected Results and Deliverables
The training webinar aims to strengthen the capacity of the trainees to identify, trace, investigate,
seize/freeze, recover/confiscate and dispose illegally obtained assets. The training will also improve the
knowledge and understanding of THB/SoM and their proceeds.
The training will also enhance the understanding of the key themes to be covered in the training including
the following:
 International AR frameworks, standards and tools;
 THB/SoM – concepts, elements, criminal networks and their financial flows
 Mechanisms of confiscation;
 Processes and techniques of AR – planning, tracing, investigation, securing, confiscation,
management, returning and disposal;
 Domestic and international cooperation in AR; and
 Limitations and challenges of AR
The webinar will also provide an opportunity to participants to share the good practices/experiences and
challenges among themselves to further enhance networking and information sharing on AR. Participants
will engage in intensive, stirring and motivating exercises and discussions that will promote common
understanding, working together and devise way forward on how to implement effective AR system.
At the end of the webinar, participants are expected to:
 discuss International AR frameworks, standards and tools;
 better understand the process of asset recovery and apply relevant techniques of AR required in each
 identify the mechanisms of confiscation in different legal systems and approaches;
 better understand THB and SoM, the modus of operandi of the criminal networks and their financial
flow nationally and regionally;
 discuss methods, means and tools of international cooperation on AR; and
 be exposed to and share good practices from the participating institutions and individuals.
Through the above stated results expected to be achieved at individual level, the training webinar, together
with other interventions by the Project and others, is expected to contribute to:
 Enhanced awareness on the deterrent effect of depriving perpetrators from their criminal gains
through enhanced AR regime
 Improved effectiveness of confiscation of proceeds of crimes contributing to increased value of
confiscated assets
 Improved and better utilisation of national and international cooperation mechanisms

Beneficiaries and Targets
Primary target beneficiaries of this webinar are asset recover and law enforcement (investigative and
prosecution) agencies of the target countries 9 . Expected participants in this webinar are those working in the
above agencies who are directly working on AR or anticorruption, asset investigation and AR prosecutions
depending on the national settings. About 40 participants are expected from all the beneficiary countries of
the GHoA and ESA. Participants are required to have first degree level higher educational background, good
command of English language, practical experience of 2 years or above in the field. The trainees are
expected to be highly motivated and committed to learn and share experiences.

Key Result Indicators (KRI)
KRIs of this training are those provided under Specific Objective (SO) 1, activity B of the project’s
Description of Activity (DOA) that include the following:
 Number of participants – 40 pax – disaggregated in gender and institution;
 Participants end of webinar evaluation feedback – satisfaction about the quality of the training vis-à-
vis overall assessment, relevance/importance, achievement of objective, quality/delivery of
presentation, value addition in knowledge/skills and method/interactivity of the training – aggregated
score of at least 75% to be high or above; and
 Asset traced, frozen, seized and recovered – feedback from AR or relevant agencies on improvement
on recovering criminal proceeds/assets and value of asset recovered the training has contributed.
The training directly contributes to the achievement of SO1, activity E that is, to reinforce the capabilities of
AR agencies and other relevant investigative and prosecution authorities. The training also contributes to the
achievement of SO2, activity J in improving awareness about illicit financial flows of THB/SoM criminals
that would enable ability of asset recover and relevant agencies to recover proceeds of AML/THB.

Logistical and Technical Arrangement
Experts of the project will organize technical guidelines required to run the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform.
Participants are expected to secure compatible computer (laptop or desktop or tablet) with compatible
software and good internet connection capacity as recommended by the project or its service provider.
Beneficiary agencies can provide the above required items and are urged to release the trainee/s from any
regular work during the duration of the training. The Project highly appreciates all respective directors and
supervisors for the continued cooperation. Logistical arrangements will be communicated to confirmed
participants together with other technical information.