17 August, 2018
Speaker's Name
H.E.Mr Ayeligne Mulualem

First of all, I would like to say welcome to EAAACA Annual general meeting.

As it is well known that corruption benefits the few at the expense of the many, it delays and distorts economic development, preempts basic rights of the due process, and diverts resources from basic services, international aid whole economies. Recognizing that the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia has made combating and improving good governance among its priority areas. It has demonstrated its commitment to fight corruption by establishing the federal ethics and anti-corruption commission of Ethiopia (FEACC) and Regional Anti-corruption.

As of its establishment, the commission has been executing wide-ranging activities to tackle corruption by employing educative, preventive and curative measures. The preventive measures include expanding ethics and anti-corruption education, reviewing corruption-prone working procedures and asset declaration. The law enforcement measures comprise investigation and prosecution of corruption offences.

As corruption is a global threat, coordinated international effort is crucial to bring about successful accomplishment of the ongoing fight against corruption.

The trans-boundary nature of corruption has long been an obstacle in the struggle against corruption. Besides the national efforts, combating corruption demanded a strong regional collaboration.

One of the difficulties in the fight against corruption is the fact that criminals cross borders and hide in other countries, particularly in the neighboring countries. They want a safe somewhere. They tried this in our region without success.

Hence, we believe that the best way to defeat corruption decisively is to work in partnerships in combating it. The EAAACA, which is aiming at promoting zero tolerance to corruption in the East African Region and encourage regional cooperation in preventing and combating corruption, has so many benefits and advantages.


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