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Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda

The 9th Annual General Meeting of the East African Association of Anti-corruption Authorities was held from 29th-30th September 2015, at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda. The Theme for the meeting was “STRENGTHENING EAAACA’S EFFORTS TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION IN EAST AFRICA” The meeting was hosted by the Inspectorate of Government 

At the meeting the heads of ANTI-Corruption Authorities Presented Institution reports briefing on their mandates, power, functions, structure, achievements, and challenges

The Director General of PCCB Dr.Edward G.Hoseah presented a paper on the annual performance of PCCB,Hon Justice John Gatwech Lul presented the office of SSACC,H.E Mr. Wedo Atto Yatto Deputy commissioner of FEACC  presented the office of FEACC,Ethiopia,Mr.WaqoHalakhe presented the office of EACC,Kenya,Mr Musangabatware Clement,Deputy chief Ombudsman of Rwanda  presented the office of Ombudsman,Rwanda,Justice Irene Mulyagonja, the inspector General of Government presented the office of Inspectorate of Government.