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Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Kampala, Uganda

The Fifth Annual General Meeting of East African Association of Anti-corruption was held on 21st -23rd November 2011 at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Kama Hall Entebbe, Uganda. The meeting was hosted by  Inspectorate of Government of Uganda. It was opened by H.E Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi Vice President of Uganda. His speech was delivered by Hon Simon Lokodo Minister of Ethics and Integrity, Office of the President.

The meeting was attended among others by the heads or representatives of the heads of Anti-Corruption Authorities of EAAACA; South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission of South Sudan(SSACC)  and Federal Ethics Anti-Corruption Commission of Ethiopia(FEACC).

At the meeting the heads of EAAACA presented institutional reports on their mandate, functions, structure, achievements and challenges. 

At the 5th General Meeting, South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission, Federal Ethics Anti-Corruption Commission and Inspectorate General State of Djibouti were granted observer status of EAAACA.

The meeting was officially closed by Rt.Hon.Rebecca  Alitwala Kadaga, the speaker of parliament of Uganda, in her speech which was read by Hon.David Bahati Ag. Chief whip of government  and member of parliament of Uganda .

At the end of the meeting, Senator Dr.Tito Rutaremara, former chief ombudsman of Rwanda and EAAACA president handed over the head of inspectorate of government Mr.Baku Raphael Obudra, Ag.Inspectorate of government, who was elected president of EAAACA.